An interpreting service is available free of charge for patients using GP and NHS hospital services in Scotland. This includes interpreting for people who are Deaf or deafblind.
How to arrange an Interpreter (Patient Leaflet)
- Call 0800 004 2000
- The operator will ask you to Press * (star) to continue
- Then Press 1 for our services
- The operator will ask you to enter your 6-digit Patient Pin Number. This is 182987
- Then you are asked to enter the 3-digit language code
Find your 3-digit language code
Language Code | Language | Language Code | Language |
066 | Acholi | 153 | Kurdish (Bahdini)** |
068 | Afrikaans | 154 | Kurdish (Kurmanji)** |
069 | Akan* | 155 | Kurdish (Sorani) |
062 | Albanian | 334 | Kutchi* |
052 | Amharic | 026 | Lao |
071 | Anuak | 028 | Latvian |
001 | Arabic | 158 | Lingala** |
072 | Arabic (Egyptian) | 029 | Lithuanian |
073 | Arabic (Iraqi) | 399 | Luba-Kasai* |
074 | Arabic (Moroccan) | 160 | Luganda** |
075 | Arabic (Sudanese) | 161 | Luo |
076 | Arabic (Yemeni) | 162 | Maay-Maay |
002 | Armenian | 030 | Macedonian |
078 | Assyrian | 031 | Malay |
229 | Azerbaijani/Azeri* | 163 | Malayalam |
081 | Bambara | 164 | Mam |
085 | Belarusian* | 165 | Mandinka* |
003 | Bengali | 166 | Mara |
396 | Berber (Algeria)* | 167 | Marathi |
403 | Berber (Morocco)* | 168 | Marshallese |
258 | Bilen* | 169 | Matu |
004 | Bosnian | 172 | Mien |
259 | Bravanese | 357 | Mirpuri |
005 | Bulgarian | 174 | Mixteco |
006 | Burmese | 098 | Mizo** |
086 | Cape Verde Creole** | 176 | Moldovan |
089 | Cebuano | 033 | Mongolian |
090 | Chaldean* | 179 | Navajo |
092 | Chao-Chow | 057 | Nepali |
095 | Chin (Falam)** | 034 | Norwegian* |
097 | Chin (Lai, Hakha)** | 180 | Nuer |
099 | Chin (Tedim)** | 400 | Nyoro* |
100 | Chin (Zo, Zomi)** | 181 | Oromo/Oromifa* |
007 | Chinese Cantonese | 402 | Pahari-Potwari* |
008 | Chinese Mandarin | 182 | Pashto |
009 | Croatian** | 183 | Patois (Jamaican) |
010 | Czech | 035 | Persian |
011 | Danish | 185 | Pidgin (Nigerian) |
105 | Dari | 036 | Polish |
106 | Dinka | 037 | Portuguese |
107 | Dioula/Jula | 187 | Portuguese (Brazilian) |
012 | Dutch | 190 | Pulaar |
407 | Dzongkha* | 191 | Punjabi |
108 | Edo | 193 | Rohingya |
109 | Estonian* | 404 | Romani (Carpathian)* |
110 | Ewe | 038 | Romanian |
111 | Farsi | 039 | Russian |
281 | Fataluku* | 194 | Samoan |
014 | Filipino/Tagalog | 195 | Sango* |
015 | Finnish | 196 | Senthang |
112 | Flemish | 040 | Serbian** |
113 | Foochow (Fuzhou) | 197 | Shanghainese |
016 | French | 199 | Sichuan Yi |
114 | French Canadian | 200 | Sicilian |
116 | Fukienese | 201 | Sinhala/Sinhalese** |
117 | Fula/Fulani/Fulde | 041 | Slovak |
119 | Ga | 042 | Slovenian/Slovene* |
120 | Garre | 058 | Somali |
121 | Georgian | 205 | Soninke |
017 | German | 044 | Spanish |
051 | Greek | 209 | Susu/Sousou |
123 | Gujarati | 055 | Swahili |
054 | Haitian Creole | 045 | Swedish |
125 | Hakka (Chinese) | 210 | Sylheti** |
128 | Hausa | 211 | Taiwanese |
018 | Hebrew | 212 | Tajik |
019 | Hindi | 213 | Tamil |
311 | Hindko | 214 | Telugu |
129 | Hmong | 384 | Tetum* |
061 | Hungarian | 046 | Thai* |
131 | Igbo** | 217 | Tibetan |
132 | Ilocano | 385 | Tigre |
021 | Indonesian* | 218 | Tigrinya** |
023 | Italian | 219 | Toisanese |
423 | Jakartanese* | 059 | Tongan |
024 | Japanese | 401 | Tooro* |
022 | Javanese | 221 | Trukese/Chuukese |
398 | Kamba* | 047 | Turkish |
137 | Karen | 387 | Turkmen* |
139 | Karenni (Kayah) | 048 | Ukrainian |
141 | Khmer | 064 | Urdu |
329 | Kibajuni | 049 | Uzbek |
135 | K’iche’ (Quiche) | 050 | Vietnamese |
143 | Kikuyu | 223 | Visayan |
056 | Kinyarwanda | 390 | Welsh* |
145 | Kirundi | 224 | Wolof* |
025 | Korean | 226 | Yiddish |
150 | Krio* | 227 | Yoruba* |
- You will be connected to an interpreter in as little as 15 seconds
- Tell the interpreter your name and the telephone number you want to call, for example 111 (NHS 24)
- The interpreter will speak to the staff first in English to let them know you are calling and then tell you to go ahead with your conversation
- Let the staff and interpreter know when you have finished the conversation.
How to make a call using the Interpreter App
- Download the Capita LiveLINK Client App free from your app store
- Log in using the email address, which is [email protected]
- and your password, which is KTE626YGrf. (You will only need to log in once — not every time you need an interpreter)
- Click ‘Get Service’
- Select the language you require
- If you require a specific sex of interpreter, select this from the gender box
- You will be connected to an interpreter
- Tell the interpreter your name and the telephone number you want to call, for example 111 (NHS Inform)
- The interpreter will speak to the staff first in English to let them know you are calling and then tell you to go ahead with your conversation
- Let the staff and interpreter know when you have finished the conversation
We do not allow children to act as interpreters during your treatment or appointments.
Alternatively the practice will arrange the interpreter for your GP appointment. To make sure we can support you effectively we need you do certain things, so let us know you need this help as soon as possible. This should be as soon as you make an appointment with your GP.
- You may need a friend or relative who speaks English to tell us this the first time you need an interpreter.
- Be sure to let us know if you will not be coming for your appointment or treatment.
- Lets us know if you have had any problems with communication during your appointment or treatment. This will help us improve the service.
- Tell us if communication was good. This also helps us give a good service.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is committed to providing equal access to healthcare for all service users, as outlined in its Tackling Inequalities Policy. The provision of interpreting services is a vital part of the ongoing work to ensure that everyone receives the best possible care.
Please note a telephone interpretation service will be provided, and a face to face interpreter will be available, for under 18 years or vulnerable patients only (i.e. hearing impairment or cognitively impaired persons).