This may save you time in getting the help you need, and avoid arranging an unnecessary appointment with your Doctor.
Who is the most appropriate professional for your care?
Please consider what the best options for your healthcare are, based on the urgency of your condition and nature of your ailment. General Practice works in conjunction with other Primary Care providers such as Opticians and Pharmacists, who can deliver advice and treatment within the Community, so make sure you get to see the right person, at the right time, in the right place.
Have you tried self-care?
A range of common illnesses such as cold and flu and minor injuries can be treated at home simply by combining a well-stocked medicine cabinet with plenty of rest.
Examples of the ailments best treated by yourself are:
- Common cold
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Colds & Flu
There is a wide variety of helpful Self Care information and resources which could help you to treat your illness without the need for an appointment:
Who do I see?
Who do I see?
Provides you with information and supporting links for treatments for some of the most common conditions, services, or most suitable healthcare professional that you should see. Who do I see? will point you in the direction of the most appropriate help and care.
Get immediate help from your local pharmacy
Your local pharmacist is able to help with minor cuts, sprains, aches and pains, colds and flu, headaches, rashes, cystitis, emergency contraception (most pharmacies now offer this service) and other common conditions.
No appointment is necessary and your local pharmacist is open late, is available at weekends and many public holidays.
Need to speak with someone when the surgery is closed?
Call 111 when we are closed to speak to an NHS professional on any urgent health or medical issue.
Calls are free from landlines and mobiles.
If you have an emergency please call 999
Get immediate help for minor injuries
Use your local minor injuries unit if you need medical treatment or advice which does not need a visit to A&E or a medical appointment.
Some examples of problems they deal with:
- sprains and strains
- suspected broken limbs
- minor head injuries
- cuts and grazes
- bites and stings
- minor scalds and burns
- ear and throat infections
- skin infections and rashes
- eye problems
- coughs and colds
- feverish illness in adults
- feverish illness in children
- abdominal pain
- vomiting and diarrhoea
- emergency contraception
Pregnancy: Are you worried or need advice?
Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS)
Am I pregnant? What should I be eating? Is it normal to be this tired? How can I help my partner during labour? Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby, you should find it here.
If you are pregnant and wish to continue the pregnancy please contact the Maternity services on: 0141 232 4005.
If you have any concerns of a miscarriage, and have already referred yourself to the maternity service. Please phone, The Princess Royal Maternity on 0141 211 5317 for advice.
If heavily bleeding please attend your nearest Accident and Emergency
Arrange an appointment with our Practice Nurse
Our Practice Nurse can organise initial blood tests and other investigations prior to arranging a follow up appointment with your doctor.
Please be assured that a doctor’s appointment will always be available should you prefer but you may get an earlier appointment if you opt to see the Practice Nurse.
See our Nurse about: blood pressure checks, cervical smears, family planning advice, contraception, immunisations, diabetes management, asthma care, COPD care, smoking cessation, etc.
Call the surgery on 0141 201 5520 to arrange an appointment with a nurse and you may be seen more quickly.
Need medical advice or treatment from one of our doctors?
Some patients, often those with complex and long-standing medical problems, may need an appointment with a doctor.
The easiest way to order a repeat prescription or book an appointment is through Patient Access.
Simply log in to the online portal and select your chosen option.